Work for Free until you Gain Experience


“Skudeneshavn Norway”  20 x 16 Oil on canvas; SOLD, Prints available!

The economy goes up and down, depending on the world’s financial health and our own. The stock market rises and falls with the state of business and who the decision makers are in Washington.

My first husband thought my writing was a waste of time until I started getting paid for it. When I could pay for my own dental bills, contact lenses and clothes the time I spent at the typewriter and computer was suddenly valued.

“Money is the root of all evil” until it digs us out of a hole or provides for our wants and needs. Money is power and a necessity in today’s society.

But I have to sound off about all those hours and days I volunteered my time and talents to organizations such as “Kansas Right to Life, Pro-Family, Neighborhood Watch, and the churches I’ve been a part of throughout the years.

Practicing my craft writing plays, skits, and stories for local groups helped me develop the skills I needed to write for profit. I also met many artistic types and those who only needed them. I learned how to solve problems, reduce costs and persevere to the end.

In the fall issue of Guideposts magazine, a young single mother was asked to paint something patriotic on the tailgate of a truck. She had never painted something like that before, but she took the challenge. Her beautiful work was noticed and other jobs appeared. She enjoyed it so much that she began painting these scenes for nothing for the many veterans who admired her work.

When I moved to Florida 13 years ago, I ended up painting on the outdoor Nativity scenes with another member of my church for our mini Christmas pageant. I had to improvise, create in my mind, and use up gallons of acrylic paints when up to that point, I had only used oils. After this there were so many outlets to express myself and participate.  I became involved in a totally new genre’ of art leagues, artists and shows.

Great things can come from the giving of your time and talents for a good cause. What can happen?

  • Recognition. People get a glimpse of your artwork or read an article they enjoy and they remember your work and your name. Soon you’re in one of their contact lists and the rest is history.
  • Opportunities. Your work may be admired by an Interior Decorator, a buyer or an agent. Your skills may be wanted by a business or a corporation. I was able to write for an airline, an insurance company, a rehabilitation center and many other health and education institutes.
  • Connections. Getting work is all about networking and getting to know people in many walks of life. By word of mouth, I was able to connect with the heads of many companies. Sometimes other people who were working on a project found out that I’d been on a similar project with a photographer at another company. I would get a call for a meeting, and then I’d be off and running at another place, using the skills I loved.

Don’t give up. Your generous heart may eventually be rewarded!


“Arabesque” 18 x 14 Oil on canvas; Egrets taking off (framed)

Is it Possible to Change yourself into a Better Person?


Growing up, I was always told “Imagine the person you want to be, and eventually you’ll become that person.” The know-it-all who said that was only partially right. They forgot to tell me about innate talents and gifts, or about the years of effort (and money) it takes to develop a skill. They also didn’t mention that the image I had for myself may not have been in my best interests.


“Namesake” 24 x 18 acrylic on canvas

When you’re young anything seems possible. You dream. You explore. You try on various personality types. Sometimes you allow your halo to slip thinking that character may not be so important after all. But experience and the things you were taught come bubbling to the surface, and you make adjustments.

Reality also plays a part. We may find that we don’t have the finances required to fulfill our aspirations. There may be other responsibilities that interfere with our best intentions. We may pursue one golden butterfly and discover a counterfeit; a false glimmer of hope that led to fool’s gold and broken promises.


“Home at Last” 16 x 20 acrylic on panel 

 Your determination must fuel every thought and action. When you know what you want, a decision is made in your mind that ignites and propels you forward. At this point, nothing can stop you. If you let go of this momentum, you may never reach this level again. There is no turning back. It’s now or never.

Your Willingness to Ask for Help is Crucial. What if you feel yourself slipping back into old habits and comfortable ways? Don’t hesitate. Reach out for help.

We all need hand holding at times; a friend we can lean on, and someone we can trust. Your progress depends upon it. This may also be the time to reach out to your higher power. Others may give us that extra push that helps us break free. But God can give you the strength to continue.

Sometimes you have to adjust your vision. You must learn to be content with what you have. Better yet, turn your anxieties and frustrations into acceptance. What will you have gained? Peace of mind and the knowledge that you gave your internal struggle your all.

Gratitude for each moment of your life, the good and the bad, will help you weather adversity when it comes, and it will come again. None of us is exempt even you. Be grateful for the small steps and the large ones. As long as you’re making some progress, you haven’t given up.


“With these Hands — Love” 24 x 18 Oil on canvas

Find your Anchor, believe in yourself and Go!



Do you long for a constant; something that stays the same and never falters or waivers? Forget about it. Unless you’re talking about God who is omnipotent and eternal, everything else in life is in a state of flux and is ever changing. Without an anchor for your soul, it is easy to flounder.

Other people or circumstances may sabotage your efforts, but most of the time; you are your own worst enemy. And it is fear that goads you. Where does this deep-seated fear come from? Look to your own insecurities. A low self-esteem diminishes trust in yourself and others. Feeling insecure increases your sense of aloneness.


When you face your demons and doubts head on, that puts you back in the driver’s seat and in control of your present and your future. Live life on your terms not on someone else’s.

If the talents and skills of others intimidate you, compete with yourself instead. Do something better or differently than you did yesterday. Surpass yourself in stamina or creativity. Accomplish a difficult task at long last. Take a different course and see what happens. Surprise yourself in a good way. Stick to a plan and see it through. It’s not a race against the unknown it’s a race against you yourself. What others do doesn’t matter. Beating your own record, now that’s something to smile about.


I speak from experience. I’ve taught myself many new and unusual skills. My goal has always been to see if I could. Was I capable of learning how to sew, to crochet, to knit, to quilt, to write, to paint, to get paid for what I do? Then I took it a step further. Was I able to interview people, research unknown places and topics and overcome my own fears and insecurity? The answer was yes!

I didn’t do it all at once. I battled one new skill at a time. I discovered what was, for me, lasting, and what was merely a whim. Once I mastered one craft or art, I moved onto the next. Each time I succeeded, I added another notch to my self-esteem belt. I did my homework. I was sometimes still working at my computer until two or three in the morning. I wasn’t competing with anyone else, only me.


I put myself out there. I dared to think that if someone else could brave the turf, so to speak, why not me? I networked. I made connections. I found myself working as a consultant and being paid to write training and education materials. I used my imagination to craft children’s stories, articles, and educational film scripts. I ventured into illustration and never looked back.

As a commercial once quipped: “I’ve come a long way baby” from the shy backward girl of my youth. I did it by proving to myself first that I could. When rejection came (and still does), I keep on going. If I feel good about what I’ve done and what I’ve created, I figure someone else will, too.


Some of the very things that were rejected by so-called experts have been the very projects that have sold and appealed to others. What that taught me is to trust my gut and “stick to my guns.” And I’m telling you now, if I can do it, you can, too.

A Life Well Lived brings Joy to Others


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Jo Ann Albright, A dear friend and fellow artist passed away last weekend (back row, stage left). She originated our Art Group, Gateway Artists; and encouraged and inspired us in many many ways. She will be missed.

Jo Ann will be remembered for her “big sky” watercolor paintings inspired by her home in Iowa. Her tropical paintings were created at her second home in Florida. Jo Ann was also a member of the Fort Myer’s Beach Art Association and many others during her lifetime as a Snow Bird in the Fort Myers area.

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Life not only goes by quickly, but it’s filled with unexpected sometimes life-threatening occurrences. We are usually unaware of the undercurrents that swirl beneath the surface. Nothing can be taken for granted, not good health, a secure job, or unexpected consequences that come as a result of the many choices we make each day.

Clearly, as the poets have said for centuries: “Life is fleeting;” and from our human perspective random.  That life could be part of a divine plan rather than simply happenstance is denied by many.

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My friend, Jo Ann, had no fear of death. She had an aneurism in an artery that she knew could give out at anytime. She walked by faith and enjoyed the goodness that life offered her. She knew that her life upon the earth was just a matter of time. She lived as though she had all the time in the world.

As someone once said, we all have our death date stamped on our heel the moment we’re born. Life is only temporary, but some people act as if it weren’t. In fact, they abuse their bodies with poor nutrition, junk food, drugs, narcotics, and risky behavior which only hastens their death.

Here and now is a sparkling opportunity not only to thrive, but to enjoy your life. I’m not talking about self-gratification and pleasure. I’m talking about making the most of your time here upon the earth by using your talents and gifts to enrich the world, and by reaching out to help others not to destroy or impede their personal journey.

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We should provide stepping stones not stumbling stones to those around us. Our gifts and talents should be a light to guide other’s way. Unfortunately, our world seems to be succumbing to hatred and selfishness. Would that we could all be light and peace in this dark world as Jo Ann was. Rest in peace dear friend.